Bankroll Management: How It Can Help Your Game

In poker, as in life, it is important to keep track of your money. In the game, this is called bankroll management, and it is equally important to know what cards to play and when. The best players take their time to build their bankroll and don’t think about how to play at the big tables when they are not fully prepared for it. If you are interested in this, we offer some tips to help you in the game.

Choosing a Strategy

Be honest with yourself. Do you play for fun and just place small bets, or do you want to hone your gaming skills and increase your winnings?

If you are playing for entertainment purposes, your bankroll does not have to be large and should be equal to the amount that you have allocated for the game of poker, and the loss of which will not bring misfortune.

Taking Notes

As boring as it sounds, taking detailed notes is indispensable for building a good sized bankroll.

Starting today, keep a notebook or computer document in which you will enter each game you play, indicating the size of the buy-in and return. In a simplified version, it looks like a record of winnings and losses on a specified day, or if you want to describe everything in detail – game hours, time of day, opponents, site statistics and the mood in which you played.

Over time, you can use this information to identify your strengths and weaknesses, improve your game, and calculate hourly gains (or losses).

Going by Limits

Think you’re ready for the next level? The secret is to set aside your bankroll and be smart.

For example, you can easily win in smaller games and decide to increase your bankroll by a third. You spent this additional amount on buy-ins to the next level. If all goes well, you will soon be able to play comfortably with the new bets. If not, then you will have to continue to hone your skills at the level at which you can win.

Remember that each of us has our own comfort zone. If the loss of a third of your bankroll does not mean the loss of the amount of several buy-ins, but the loss of the amount of the rent, do not rush. You don’t need additional stress and it won’t help you in the game.

Cash Out

Congratulations! You are doing well at the tables and your bankroll looks great. What will you spend your money on?

One option would be to spend the money on yourself. This is good, but it means you will cut your financial buffer if you want to keep playing at the same level.

Learn the game from the pros

Professionals manage their bankroll at the business level, cashing in for expenses while building a bankroll at the same time. It takes discipline and planning, which is why most players work somewhere else.

Therefore, we want to remind you of the following: in order to become a successful player at any level, you need to protect your finances. In other words, play according to your financial capabilities, and never place more than the amount that you do not mind losing.

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